Viristar will present a workshop “How to Write a Risk Management Plan” at the 51st Annual International Conference of the Association for Experiential Education this fall.
The conference will be held in Madison, Wisconsin USA from November 2-5, 2023.
Risk Management Plans
The workshop presentation will address questions including: What is a Risk Management Plan, and why do I need one? What should be included? How is a Risk Management Plan different from a Safety Management System, or Risk Assessment and Management System? Are written Risk Management Plans required by law? What do I do with a Risk Management Plan, once it’s created?
Workshop participants will be provided examples of completed risk management plans used by experiential education organizations, as well detailed written guidance about how to write and implement a high-quality risk management plan that meets good practice standards.
Participants will learn what a Risk Management Plan (RMP) is, and how it differs from a Risk Assessment, Emergency Response Plan, or Risk Assessment and Management Plan.
Workshop attendees will hear about how a RMP is used in the field and administratively, and will be able to identify situations in which RMPs or similar documents are required by law.
Viristar’s Other AEE Connections
Viristar will also have a booth at the conference, and is presenting a pre-conference event, an online Risk Management for Outdoor Programs course.
Viristar has been a long-time supporter of AEE, providing webinars and donations, and sharing information about AEE’s experiential adventure accreditation program with educators worldwide. Viristar’s staff have served as Board member, regional treasurer, accreditation program reviewer, and in other volunteer roles with AEE.
AEE’s 2022 conference had over 800 attendees from more than 20 countries, with 100 speakers and presenters.
More information on the AEE conference, including on Viristar’s workshop and pre-conference event, is available at the AEE website.