Viristar Director Jeff Baierlein To Present at Wilderness Risk Management Conference

Viristar’s Director, Jeff Baierlein, has been selected to present at the 29th annual Wilderness Risk Management Conference October 19-21 2022, in Burlington Vermont USA.

Jeff will be presenting on “ISO 21101 Adventure Tourism Safety, and You.”

The presentation will address the questions: what is ISO 21101, the international standard for Adventure Tourism Safety Management Systems? And why should I care?

ISO 21101 (Adventure tourism—Safety management systems—Requirements) is being rapidly adopted around the world as a best practice. From New Zealand to India and Switzerland, governments are considering requiring certain outdoor and wilderness programs to conform.

The presentation, will be in poster format, will examine the standard, its strengths and potential weaknesses. Those experiencing the presentation will understand how the standard can benefit their wilderness or adventure program.

Those interested to learn more about ISO 21101’s application in outdoor contexts worldwide can read more here.

ISO 21101

Part of a long-standing presence at WRMC and the outdoor safety community

Viristar or its Director, Jeff Baierlein, have been a long-standing presence at the Wilderness Risk Management Conference, dating back to 2002, and in roles including participant and exhibitor.

Viristar has for years been a part of the wilderness risk management and outdoor safety landscape globally.

Viristar’s textbook, Risk Management for Outdoor Programs: A Guide to Safety in Outdoor Education, Recreation and Adventure, has been acclaimed as a leading resource for those interested in understanding best practices in risk management for wilderness, adventure, travel, experiential and outdoor programming. The textbook is used in college classes and as resource for experiential organizations worldwide.

Viristar’s acclaimed 40-hour online training, Risk Management for Outdoor Programs, is also seen as a best-in-class resource for outdoor professionals. Individuals from 44 countries on six continents have taken part in the training, and rated it highly for comprehensiveness and applicability.

Viristar also offers Risk Management Review (Safety Audit) services, Incident Reviews, Expert Witness services, and risk management program development consulting to outdoor and experiential organizations worldwide.

More Information

Individuals interested to experience Jeff’s presentation and other aspects of the Wilderness Risk Management Conference can learn more at the WRMC website. The WRMC is a collaboration between NOLS, Outward Bound USA, and the Student Conservation Association.