Viristar’s education program design services can enhance outcomes achievement, customer service satisfaction, and business sustainability of your informal education program. Our services include document writing and editing, policy and procedure development, training plan development and delivery, and quality and standards audits.
Viristar offers education program design services in these subjects:
- Curriculum design
- Assessment and evaluation
- Staff training
- Instructional design and pedagogy
- Outcomes development
- Lesson planning and syllabus development
- Standards conformance

Viristar’s education program design consultation can include the following topics, among others:

Curriculum Design
- Elements of curriculum design: goals, activity/lesson plans, assessments, and methodologies
- Sequencing and scaffolding
- Age-appropriate design

Assessment and Evaluation
- Formative and summative assessments
- Pre-test/post-test instrument development
- Customer service satisfaction surveys
- Participant and staff development rubrics/check-offs

Staff Training
- Comprehensive training program design
- Training plan, syllabus, and lesson plan development
- Qualifications tracking and documentation

Instructional Design and Pedagogy
- Experiential education
- Adventure-based learning
- Scaffolding/constructivism
- Inquiry-based learning

Outcomes Development
- Learning, recreation, and service quality outcomes
- Qualification/certification
- Curricular and industry standards linkages

Lesson Planning and Syllabus Development
- Lesson/activity plan templates
- Syllabus templates
- Goal/Activity Plan/Assessment linkages
- Activity/lesson plan sequencing and progressions

Standards Conformance
- Environmental Education Guidelines for Excellence
- Experiential education/experiential adventure standards
- Peak body/National governing body (NGB) standards
- Good practice guides and adventure activity standards
- Summer camp/year-round camp standards
- Audit against ISO 21102:2020 — Adventure tourism — Leaders — Personnel competence
- Audit against ISO 20611:2018 Adventure tourism — Good practices for sustainability — Requirements and recommendations