Viristar and South African Adventure Industry Association Collaborate On Outdoor Safety Training

SA AIA offers Outdoor Adventure Risk Management Course at a Discount to Members

Viristar is pleased to collaborate with the South African Adventure Industry Association to bring Risk Management for Outdoor Programs training courses to members of the SA AIA community at a substantial discount.

The Risk Management for Outdoor Programs course provides managers of outdoor recreation, adventure tourism, and outdoor education programs a comprehensive training on best safety practices as well as incident prevention and response.

The 40-hour course, which is offered online, provides participants with a theoretical model of incident causation and prevention, designed specifically for adventure, safari, trekking and related programs. The model employs the latest thinking in complex socio-technical systems theory and human factors research.

The course also provides detailed safety standards for a variety of risk management topics, including:

  • Staff training and supervision
  • Safety Management System development
  • Emergency Response Plans
  • Equipment management and documentation standards
  • Legal considerations
  • Activity-based risk management practices
  • Crisis communications and newsmedia relations
  • Safety culture
  • And much more

Jessi Sunkel, Executive Director of SA AIA, stated, “Our mission is to unlock the economic, human and environmental potential of the Southern African Adventure Industry through a process of professionalisation. These risk management trainings will advance the safety and quality of outdoor recreation, adventure tourism, and outdoor education programs in our region, and we know our members will welcome these important professional development opportunities made available through our collaboration with Viristar.”

Individuals or groups interested to participate in the training at a discount can learn more and enroll at

Outdoor professionals from 45 countries, including South Africa and other African nations, have participated in Viristar’s outdoor safety trainings.

The South African Adventure Industry Association, established in 2020, supports the outdoor and adventure industry in South Africa, Lesotho, Eswatini and beyond to establish and implement high standards for quality and safety in outdoor adventure activities. SA AIA’s vision is to serve as an umbrella body that provides support for both individual outdoor adventure guides, operators, and businesses, and also to government departments and activity-specific associations.

SA AIA provides educational and training resources, a roster of outdoor adventure providers, a forum for coordinating world-class adventure standards for southern Africa, and support for job opportunities and economic development for young South African entrepreneurs.

Learn more or enroll in the risk management training here.